Depression Studies

Do You Suffer From Treatment-Resistant Depression?
If you've been treated for depression but your symptoms haven't improved, you may have treatment resistant depression. Taking an antidepressant or going to psychological counseling (psychotherapy) eases depression symptoms for most people. But with treatment-resistant depression, standard treatments aren't enough. They may not help much at all, or your symptoms may improve only to keep coming back. Treatment-resistant depression symptoms can range from mild to severe and may require trying a number of approaches to identify what helps.
If you suffer from treatment-resistant depression, you may be eligible for our studies.
Click here to submit your application, or call (212)-772-3570 for additional information.
Do You Know Someone Who Suffers From Depression?
No ones like to see those they care about in pain. Consider referring your friends and family to our program. The process is simple.
Click below to submit a referral, or call (212)-772-3570 for additional information.